Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Success in Iraq: Move Those Goalposts in Some More

Dubya and Tony Snow know what success looks like (less violence), but can't define it. How's that for lowering the expectations? We've spend $500bn, lost 3,500 American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died, 2 million are displaced, we destroyed the economy, a religious-based civil war is underway, the threat of a regional war has significantly increased, and we've created an environment in which terrorism is thriving and growing.

So, what we can now expect is "Sectarian violence down. Success is not, no violence." That's the new definition of success, biatch.

Thanks, BushCo, for the gift that may never stop giving.


Real_PHV_Mentarch said...

A "gift" indeed, as you so aptly put it ... as well as the mendacity and sheer hypocrisy.

It never stops ...

CHUQ said...

There is a solution, a political solution, IMO. I have written about it in my blog. The violence could be controlled by it would mean a step backwards.

Clembwto said...

There is a solution, a political solution, IMO. I have written about it in my blog. The violence could be controlled by it would mean a step backwards.